2022 Spotlight International Strings Competition | Procedure and Timeline
Procedure and Timeline
September 15 – October 31: Application Period/Preliminary Round
Participant must submit the following by 11:59 PM CT on October 31:

1. Electronic registration form
2. Submit recording of One Piece
3. Non-refundable application fee: $100 USD
November 23 – 25: Semi-Finalists Round
Semi-Finalists will be selected and their video of first piece will be premiered online on Nov 23.  Semi-finalists must submit the following by 11:59 PM CT on November 25:

1. Recording of a Second Piece
2. A short biography and high resolution photo
3. Request form for private coaching (optional)
4. Coaching fee: $150 USD (if applicable)
 December 3 – 4: Final Round and Ceremony
1. On December 3, second piece of the semifinalists will be premiered online, and 6 Finalists will be announced from each category.
2. On December 4 at 7:00 PM CT, Live Streaming of Winners Announcement (all semifinalists will be considered for Special Prizes), and Award Ceremony.